Monday, December 30, 2013


When this year started, I didn’t make any resolution but I had expectations and feelings that it was going to be a good year. The year has run out although I don’t live in a beach house in the Bahamas, or went to chill in a resort in Hawaii or drive an Aston Martin Lagonda 2016 or rock a Christian Louboutin shoe or wear Alexander McQueen (well, at least not yet) the year has been a wonderful one because of the people around me that impacted o`n me one way or the other.

I decided to walk in love and be a better person this year, although it wasn’t easy, I lost people for telling them the truth, I lost people I thought were my friends but in all I was able to be at peace with all even when they hurt me and didn’t apologize I also learned forgiveness. At a point in time I prayed to God to only bring people who will be relevant to me in life along my way, like a flash I lost many people and had a few left, this few made my year and they are……….. Wait for it………………….;

Osoba Adewale ; my crazy intellectual friend, I’m thankful for the impact you made in my life and being a source of inspiration and encouragement especially last semester, God bless you.

Okojie Okhaifo (a.k.a okha baba); even with the distance, I really appreciate your caring attitude and you encouraging me in my writing. I love you. xoxox.

Adeoye Taiwo (AIESEC mentor); I really want to thank you for your care, love, concern only God can reward you abundantly.

Oyedapo Bukunmin; my one and only archi boyfriend (LOL) thank you for caring even when I behave like an asshole, I still love you.

 Opoola Adenike; (hahahaha) my crazy friend, thanks for being a good friend to me, it’s been a while since I’ve had a friend like you, I love you a bunch, God bless you.

Akinsola Akintomide; (baba niyen) I don’t even know where to start, thank you for being there for me and for being a brother to me. God bless you and you know I love you shea.

Adegoke Obafemi; you have been a blessing to me, God bless you.

Akinsola Oluwatimilehin; my twinnie of life, only God can thank/bless you for me, you made me possible. I love you.

All of you have been good and wonderful people to me and you made the challenges of 2013 seem like nothing, I’m blessed having you guys around. God bless you all.

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