Tuesday, September 24, 2013


You know, little things in this world matter a lot, even the bigger things we set our minds on, the greater things we build up on our minds are not even really important. Things like money, pleasure, luxury, just to name a few.
Bigger things are built on little things, that is, little things matter a lot. A small stone thrown in a pool of water causes a ripple effect which means no matter how little what we do it affects the people around us.
Most people find it easy to tell a lie, from an insignificant lie as to where you are to someone waiting for you, to lying to cover up a mistake.
One thing is when you lie you keep on doing it and the more lies you tell the easier it becomes for you to tell one until it  becomes difficult for you to tell the truth even  if you want to.
It is easy to point accusing fingers to our leaders, it is very easy for us to judge them the question is as a personal representation of yourself are you a person of integrity, well you might not be embezzling public funds yet or be lying to people for your personal gain, but those little things you think are insignificant build up to make you a person in which value can be placed on. Let your conscience be the judge.

There are these short stories I read from a devotional book, a true life story;
In a country church of a small town, an altar boy, serving the priest at Sunday mass, accidentally dropped the cruet of wine. The priest slapped the altar boy on the cheek, and in an angry voice, shouted ‘leave the altar and don’t ever come back!’  That boy later became Marshall Tito, the communist leader of Yugoslavia who massacred thousands of people.
In the cathedral of a large city, an altar boy, serving the bishop at Sunday mass, accidentally dropped the cruet of wine. With a warm, gentle look in his eyes, the bishop lovingly whispered, ‘someday you will become a priest’. That boy grew up to become Archbishop Fulton Sheen who touched the lives of millions worldwide with his warmth, wisdom and humor.
Reading these two stories there is one similar thing, WORD. Correction was made but there is only one difference , the manner of which they were uttered, the Bible makes us to understand  that the tongue being the smallest part of the body is very dangerous and if not tamed can cause great ruin.
In my generation, people have let loose of their tongue, they say anything they want to say as it comes to their head without even stopping to think for a few seconds the effect it might have on the person which it is spoken to.
I am not against correction, most parents think or believe that they have the right to say anything to their child(ren) no matter how grave it is to their detriment in a bid to correct them. When someone a child looks up to, loves and older constantly or even occasionally says hurtful words to the child, each word punctures the ego and confidence of the child. We all are different, we do not have the same level of resilience to wrong things that happen to us, but what about those who have low resilience to such things, most people grow up believing the worst about themselves, they end up believing they are so worthless, that is why someone will walk into a school, go on a killing spree then shoot himself. Why? Because they are angry at people and see them as worthless.
In short, little words of encouragement might change the life of a person; the depth at which it goes can never be fathomed. Half of who I am today is because of an encouragement I have received one way or the other.
Encourage someone today; remember someone might find hope in your words.   

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Life Of Pi

There are two sides to life; the good side and the bad side, the one which we understand and the side we don’t. I think why some people don’t believe in God is that He is beyond human understanding, for you to understand God you have to be able to believe in mystery because that is his way (God works in mysterious ways).  In the movie Life Of Pi, I pondered on how that story can make anyone believe in God then I watched it again; there are two stories in the movie, the tiger story and the animal story, most people believed the animal story because it sounded real and simple, nothing complex just what the simple human mind could take in and process but the writer actually believes in the tiger story, so do I.
At some point Pi thought the God he believed in doesn’t really care about him, after he left the floating island he said ‘when God seemed to have abandoned me he was watching, even when he seemed indifferent to my suffering he was watching and when I was beyond all hope of saving he gave me the rest and gave me a sign to continue my journey'. Giving deep thoughts about it the Life Of Pi is applicable to everyone, we all have situations we pass through in life, our darkest moment when it seems everybody has forsaken us or no one can understand God is just like what Pi said He is always watching us and gives us rest and hope to pass through any situation.

*the beauty and the magnificent work of nature in which Pi met with made me remember what Albert Einstein said about God;
‘We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many different languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the language in which they were written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn’t know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being towards God. We see the universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws. Our limited mind cannot grasp the mysterious force that moves the constellation’.*